Panasonic VIERA TC-P50S30 50-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV
- 1080p Full-HD Resolution
- VIERA Image Viewer (Photo and Video)
- Energy Star
- Fast Switching Phosphor
- Easy IPTV with DLNA
Panasonic Viera TC-P50S30 50″ Plasma TV TC-P50S30 Plasma Displays & TVs Internet-Ready Television (US Only) Internet-ready TVs use your broadband connection to deliver dynamic content, whether it’s streaming video from Netflix, new music from Pandora, or a quick glance at today’s weather forecast. Although there is overlap, each manufacturer offers a unique bundle of free or paid services, including streaming video and music, social networking apps, online photo galleries, news and financial updates, weather info, sports scores, and a variety of other smartphone-like applications. Manufacturers continue to add new content to their offerings, keeping customers current through firmware updates, and making a bit of research a prudent step in your buying decision. Learn more about Internet TVs, how they work, what services are offered by different manufacturers, and exactly what you’ll need to get started at our Internet TV 101 customer center. Note: Panasonic’s EASY IPTV™ television a
List Price: $ 999.95
Price: $ 999.95

Sony’s S-series TVs put amazing picture quality and stunning dynamic contrast in reach for value-oriented consumers who want to …

50″ Plasma, 1080p, THX, Viera Cast, H.264, IP Camera Ready, PC Input, NEO PDP Panel which is brighter, Full-time 1080p TV lines of…
Know your stuff before posting
January 18, 2012
The straight facts!,
If you read the 3 star product review, you might think twice. This individual actually sounds convincing. That is unless you’ve done your homework. I’d like to clarify a few incorrect points that have been made.
– Fast switching phosphors are used in all Full-HD VIERA models for 2011. By reformulating the phosphor materials, afterglow has been minimized and luminous efficiency has been increased. This enables crisp, clear rendering of motion images. A level of efficiency that exceeds our 2010 panels also increases picture quality while lowering power consumption.
Only the top of the line 2010 3D models ($2K) had the fast switching phospors. The neoplasma is literally a promotional “tag”. The 2011 3D TV’s have a different rib structure in the panel as needed for the seperation of 3D images, specific cross talk cancellation processors to minimize 3D double images, and a specific louvered filter (infinite black) to help keep glare down while keeping the two 3d images clear.
Panasonic streamline the production lines by sharing internal components for 2011.
Cost leader is the 2D 720 “X” model. High end 1080 2D is the 2D “S” model. The only 1080 3D line is the “ST” model. That’s it. It’s cost effective.
Note that “X” and “S” do not have the pro mode picture setup like the 3D models but don’t let that scare you. The 3D models need it to fine tune double imaging.
The 720 “x” model is a fine choice however you will notice a difference in edge glow with blueray IF you know what your looking for. Since most HD TV channels are 720, you’ll never know the difference. A lot of people read the old CNET report and live by it and a lot of it is valid. But a one size fits all review between 720 and 1080 is flawed. The old comparisons between LCD and plasma is no longer an issue as power consumption is now equal.
Panasonic plasma has always been choosen as best picture over Samsung and LG. Do your homework and make sure your looking at a review within the last two years. Panasonic wins period. Far more natural colors, especially over LED-LCD which makes movies look like they were filmed with video tapes.
I have no need for 3D as its not receiving the support expected. Soon 3D screens without glasses will be standard just like the new handheld games systems that have just been released. They just have to get past the headaches…
My old Panasonic was one of the first 1080s on the market and has been through 4 rough home moves and is still kicking strong. That earns a bit of brand loyalty from me.
I went with the “S”46 model for a very simple reason. $768 delivered.
Thinner, better design, better picture technology than the 2010 Panasonic models and 1080 for bluray. Lovin it.
Panasonic VIERA TC-P46S30 46-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV
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G Smart
January 18, 2012
excellent picture,
The picture quality of this TV is simply excellent. Compared it with more expensive Panasonic “Infinite Black” G model and it’s impossible to see the difference in real video content. You need to be in total darkness and have very high quality, low noise signal with large swatches of black and put them side to side to notice a slightly darker black in G models. Of course, just watching TV you will never think I wish blacks were deeper.
I’ve watched HD programs over the air, from blu-ray, Netflix from Roku, and from PC over HDMI. All modes 480/720/1080 progressive and interlaced displayed perfectly, and TV did a good job upscaling lower resolution to native 1080. No problems with motion, no blurring, no color fading or runoffs. TV does have a slightly lower moving picture resolution 900 lines (vs 1080 lines in top models), but it’s quite impossible to notice that without measurements. So sports viewers will be satisfied. Also, on a positive side, the screen is not as glossy as the majority of other plasmas, so reflections are subdued.
I’ve been using this set for a few days now, so I can’t comment on “image retention” problems that previous generations had. Supposedly the phosphors used in this set are improved from previous year, and reportedly they last longer. Just be sure you turn on the “pixel orbiter” to avoid burning in the logos and avoid prolonged display of static images. You can also run “scrolling bar” once a day for 15 minutes for the first week to age the phosphors evenly. Not all plasma owners believe a break-in period is necessary for the later generations of plasma TVs, and no plasma manufacturers now suggest their sets require break-in.
The description Amazon (and it looks now they removed it) seemed to suggest that TV had a built-in Wi-Fi. It doesn’t, you need to buy a separate Wi-Fi USB adapter for that. Due to lack of adapter I cannot tell if IPTV and DLNA are working as expected. The other negative is common to all plasmas, which is high power consumption. You don’t find this information advertised anywhere, because this set is rated at a whopping 339W. The built-in audio is weak, it has two tiny 10W speakers. It’s fine for casual watching TV programs, but if you want to watch movies you probably want to invest in a separate audio system.
This TV may lack all the bells and features you can find in more advanced models, but it does deliver an excellent picture at a very reasonable price and that what matters most.
Edit 5-8-2011. I installed USB Wi-Fi adapter (Netgear N600) to test the Viera Tools. I didn’t find them very useful though. It has Netflix client, but picture quality is poor (compared to Roku on the same network). Then there is CinemaNow, which I never used. Amazon Video on demand looks OK. I don’t have any use for Pandora, Napster, or Facebook, so I can’t comment. There is also Media Player for SD and USB cards, works pretty well. I popped in an SD card from Panasonic camcorder and picture was pretty good, no conversion was necessary. And finally, there is DLNA client, which I couldn’t make to work. I does find the DLNA server, but connection always fails.
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