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Panasonic TC-26LX70 26-Inch 720p LCD Flat Panel HDTV

Panasonic TC-26LX70 26-Inch 720p LCD Flat Panel HDTV


  • 1366 x 768
  • 178 Degree viewing angle for maximum color and clarity
  • Normal, Zoom, Full, and Just modes to meet any broadcast needs


Rating: 4 5 (out of 32 reviews)

buynow big198

List Price: $ 689.00


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    September 15, 2010

    Review by rick for Panasonic TC-26LX70 26-Inch 720p LCD Flat Panel HDTV
    did a lot of looking for the right lcd tv this is the one that was the best price and picture quality good sound bright and clear picture even with just straight hook up cable. easy to use remote and only 31 pounds which i mounted on my bedroom wall, i just love it!


    September 15, 2010

    Review by moose_of_many_waters for Panasonic TC-26LX70 26-Inch 720p LCD Flat Panel HDTV
    I don’t use cable TV. It’s too much money for too few decent channels. I just hooked this thing up to my antenna, turned it on and voila! It set itself up finding all the channels (including a bunch of digital channels in my area that I had no idea existed). The remote is very intuitive and it comes with batteries right out of the box.

    This is one easy machine for anyone to set up and use. The picture quality is excellent. It looks like there are plenty of devices that you can plug this thing into. Sound quality is also excellent. With my old TV, I used some old computer speakers as a supplement; on this one the sound quality is so good that this was unnecessary. The TV was also very easy to hook up to my DVD player.

    This is a very well designed machine through and through. You could spend more money for a Sony or Samsung, but I don’t see why you would. You could spend less money on a no name TV, but I’ve been burned one too many times with no name stuff. It looks like another quality product from Panasonic.

    C. M. Kelley

    September 15, 2010

    Review by C. M. Kelley for Panasonic TC-26LX70 26-Inch 720p LCD Flat Panel HDTV
    I am writing this in the hope that I am helping the person who wrote the most negative review. I too bought this TV Panasonic TC-26LX70 26″ 720p LCD Flat Panel HDTVfor my daughter and after running setup I wasn’t happy because of the lack of channels, so I played with the RCA HD antenna and ran program channels again. There were even less channels than the first time. I ran program channels at least 10 times and played with the antenna. It depressed me that I couldn’t make this TV work for my daughter. I’d never seen a TV with so few channels.

    Being the connection person in my family,I had downloaded a manual for the TV from Panasonic’s website before I purchased the TV just to see the difficulty of hooking it up myself. Anyway, just as with any other reading material, there is no way you can memorize every detail. The last program channel scan gave me one digital channel and maybe 3 other analog channels, and they were’t picture perfect. I noticed that all the channels on the grid were set to “NO” and I noticed the book showed YES in all the examples, so I set out to find out why. I managed to change the channels I wanted to YES before I hit apply, but still this did not work. I had no problem connecting the HDMI cable to the DVD/CD player. The manual instructions highly push DVD/Recorders or DIGA recorders, but though I opted not to get a DVD recorder the EZ Sync worked perfectly. There are no examples of a plain DVD/CD player in the manual. You are sort of led to believe that if you don’t have a DVD/Recorder or their recommended choices that the EZ Sync function might not work, but it will work. Your DVD player just has to be HDAVI compatible and have the EZ Sync feature.

    A few days and more study of the manual, I found these words: “If you perform scanning more than twice previously saved channels are erased.” That notation appears on page 17. And when I found those words, I realized why I only had about 3 channels.

    Somewhere I saw that you had to “reset” from the setup option when you’ve tried to scan in the channels to many times. When you get to page 25 you find “Performing reset will clear all items set with Setup, such as channel settings.” The manual in my opinion, is written like someone who starts by telling you a bit of information, but then just puts it out there and leaves it hanging, starts telling you something else, leaves that hanging. You have to really study the manual to figure out what to do as it seems to be disconnected information throughout which you must piece together to find what you need.

    One crazy thing I noticed that when you press the menu or sub menu buttons there appeared “1/2”. I drove myself nearly psychotic trying to figure out how to get to “reset” because when you first hit menu and then choose setup, “reset” is nowhere to be seen except in the manual on a page which doesn’t clearly explain how to get to it. The favorite menu instructions clued me to figure out that 1/2 means page one of two and that continuing to press select after the last choice would show the next page where “reset” is located. I’ve only read the manual three times so far, but I don’t see anywhere where it clearly gives you a glossary or something to guide you in how to get the most out of the manual.

    Once reset is located select it, next it wants you to enter a password…WHY? I have as yet to understand. I chose 4 numbers and entered them and on the screen appeared dialog that setup would be reset and that I should not touch anything during this process.

    The best part is what happened next. And this is for the lady who is about to throw her new Panasonic out the window, as I myself felt like doing. I might be presuming to much, but I think that her problem is the same as I had. Panasonic’s website isn’t very user freindly,and I couldn’t find the information. For some reason the FAQ’s wouldn’t show, and I couldn’t grasp how to use the site to ask about my experience. At one point the grid where you are supposed to select “Apply” every channel on the list said “NO” which I took to mean none of the channels were scanned in. After reset completed I ran setup “program channels” again and every channel came in both digital and analog. The picture on the digital channels are unbelievably clear and amazing.

    Lastly, you must also perform all the other settings Clock, labeling, synching your other equipment as well.

    One other thing, in one place in the manual it tells you that you must have an HD antenna. I don’t know if that is totally true because reading other reviews some say they just have a regular antenna. I was about to resort to attaching a Samsung HDTV-tuner,Samsung DTBH260F HDTV Terrestrial Receiver but knowing that this TV is supposed to have a built in ATSC tuner really upset me to think that I would have to resort to attaching this unit to the TV. Had I not found that I’d ran the scan too many times I would have ended up attaching the Samsung to this TV, but happily for me I put the Samsung back on a TV that doesn’t have a built in tuner where it belongs.

    The Buyer

    September 15, 2010

    Review by The Buyer for Panasonic TC-26LX70 26-Inch 720p LCD Flat Panel HDTV
    Bought this Panasonic flat panel because it had the best picture of the sets we viewed. We have always owned Sony but decided that this had at least as good a picture and was much less money!

    Also the 26″ set was the largest size that could fit into the space in the bedroom. Hooked it up to Verizon FIOS cable without a cable box and couldn’t believe the large number of stations (mostly digital – alot HD).

    So far after 6 weeks we still think it was a good choice.

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